Newton Challenge 30 km

Strategy was run an easy 5:30 pace for 18km and push up speed for next 7km and a blast at the last 5km.

Fell splat on the face.

Never quite took off. At 20km mark, I was at 1:51:14.4 and ended the run in 2:46:56. Ok, it wasnt too shabby. This was a vast improvement compared to the same run last year. But I was gunning for a good 5 min pace during the last 5km but I was not even close to it. And was hoping for a sub 2:45.

Enrico did well in 2:33 and Muscle Poon did 2:37. Sumiko won the 30km in 2:20.

Why not too shabby? Because the lead between me and them is now less than half an hour and I think I probably can still cut it down further. Of course, the law of diminishing returns will come soon. I am just crossing my fingers that it wont come too soon. I still have my Standard Chartered Marathon to run.

So much for time trial for the marathon. I am hoping that the reason for the tired legs was due to TNF – which is said to have recovery time of 1 month for an ultramarathon. And it has been only 2 weeks.

Wilson told me he would pace me for the returning 6km – he was suppose to have done his 2x10km in the morning before the race – and paced me he did. I was just in no shape to amp it up to 5min pace. Legs had so much difficulty lifting. It was a tough 4km to the end point. I only managed to push it during the last km. Did I leave it all in the run? No blood, no tears were shed, just loads of sweat. Yes, I think tried the best I could to do an average 5:30 pace which was the target Andrew gave me. He was expecting me to go lower than that, this I know. It was an achievement for me to do a 5:32 pace on average. I shall have to go with that. And enjoy the moment of a PB.

For now.

I will be back again next year. After all, the medal was pretty unique!

*Photo credit: Tan Kim Lai and Le Giang


It had been another week of recovery. Just a bike session on Wednesday morning and a light stroke swim on Friday evening after the rain. No more than 1km I think? To quote Sheila Taormina, to get a feel of the water.

Saturday was rest day too. Watched Lion King with the family. Reminded me why I loved musicals and plays but just didnt have the time to catch them while my kids were young. Lion King had great costumes and set. The vocals of Rafiki – the babbon – and Mufasa – Simba’s father – were simply AWESOME! And I simply enjoyed the day with the family!