15km Run

Andrew ran the distance with me this morning. I did a 2km warm up while waiting for him to turn up. Started the run at sub 4:50 pace for 1st 2 km! From then, everything started to go downhill. I was just not ready to run after TNF as well as the 75km bike on Saturday. Took me so long to reach the uturn point. 38:28.0.

I told myself to clear the slopes and hopefully tackle the returning flats at a better pace. Managed a negative split. 37:48.2. Total time taken: 1:16:16.2. Off the mark by 1:16. Was suppose to run at 5min pace. But off by 5s per km. Darn!

While giving sets out to my kids, I tried out the new stroke techniques learnt to correct what I saw was wrong in the video footage taken by Sheila. A lot of concentration on the feel and grabbing of water. Maybe, just maybe, I will be able to match my Coach’s swim speed…

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